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Carte Blanche

Try this exercise of granting yourself “carte blanche” to rethink past decisions and future possibilities that can enhance your life’s trajectory. Discover the power of imaginative thinking in shaping your personal and professional paths.

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Choose Happiness—Pursue Fulfillment

Have you ever thought about the nuanced differences between pursuing happiness and choosing fulfillment? Learn how embracing gratitude and setting realistic goals can enhance your overall contentment and life satisfaction.

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Declare Victory

Rethink what it means to succeed by confidently declaring victory in your endeavors, shaping a fulfilling life that values personal achievements over external validations.

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In Defense of Amateurism

Starting new activities as a beginner not only fosters personal growth, but also enhances creativity and lifelong learning. Learn about the unexpected value of going back to basics and getting comfortable being a beginner.

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It’s The Delivery That Matters

How you choose to deliver a message has a profound impact on achieving success. Discover how timing, rapport, and approach can significantly influence the outcomes of your interactions in both personal and professional settings.

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Esse Quam Videri

The Latin philosophy of 'Esse Quam Videri'—to be, rather than to seem—is deeply relevant in today's world where social media often prioritizes appearance over authenticity. Learn how embracing this principle can lead to genuine personal and professional growth.

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Hacking Life

Uncover why the best outcomes in life often require more than just clever shortcuts. Learn about the value of mastery and deep commitment over quick fixes in personal and professional development.

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Focus on the Intermediate Term

Learn how intermediate goals act as stepping stones between day-to-day tasks and your grandest dreams, helping to maintain motivation and drive meaningful progress.

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The Wellspring of Leadership

Uncover the traits of unconventional leaders who excel without formal authority. This exploration highlights the power of vision and passion in overcoming challenges and driving entrepreneurial success.

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Let It Go

Uncover the transformative impact of letting go of past negative experiences and embracing a mindset of forgiveness can significantly enhance your mental well-being and lead to personal growth.

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Life as a Game

Explore the benefits of viewing life's challenges as games. This perspective can transform how you approach work, relationships, and personal growth, turning everyday tasks into opportunities for creativity and enjoyment.

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Be a Non-VC, VC

Learn about the crucial role of early supporters in an entrepreneur's journey, as exemplified by early client of mine, Faisal, who supported my first venture business and invested in my potential.

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The Privilege to Compete

Consider the concept of life as a series of privileged opportunities. Learn how viewing challenges and competitions as privileges can enhance personal growth and lead to a more fulfilling and balanced approach to life's journey.

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Science and Art

The seamless integration of science and art enhances creativity and innovation. Explore examples of famous individuals who excelled in both fields, proving that the boundaries between science and art are not as distinct as they seem.

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Steak and Fries

It's essential to not only chase the perks, but also embrace the inherent challenges in any role, be it in your career or personal life. Find out how this understanding can transform your approach to life's opportunities and hurdles.

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The Power of the Pause

Explore the power of pausing to engage your slow brain, fostering a more composed and thoughtful approach to life's challenges. Learn practical tips for staying calm and making better decisions under pressure.

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Try the Side Door

Ever felt stuck behind the long lines of conventional success? The "side door principle" offers a smarter, unconventional way to reach your goals without the wait. Dive into real-life examples of how alternative paths can lead to substantial achievements.

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