Read Mike Rubin Read Mike Rubin

The True Definition of Exceptional

Bill Belichick, the legendary coach, often praises players for their consistency and dependability. These may not sound like superstar qualities, but they are the secret to long-term success. In this article, I explore how showing up and delivering every day, just like Belichick's champions, can transform your career and life.

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Read Mike Rubin Read Mike Rubin

Diction Is Destiny

Ever thought about how the words you choose shape your life? The right word choice can transform your thoughts, actions, and ultimately, your destiny. Words hold immense power, and elevating your language can lead to immense personal and professional growth.

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Read Mike Rubin Read Mike Rubin

Say My Name

Let's dive into another trust-building technique: using names. Inspired by Dale Carnegie’s timeless wisdom, discover how calling people by their name can make them feel valued and enhance your social interactions. Backed by research and expert insights, this simple practice can transform your personal and professional relationships.

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Read Mike Rubin Read Mike Rubin

Make Gratitude a Habit

Life is full of challenges and rewards, often leaving us comparing our successes to others. By embracing the practice of gratitude, we can shift our perspective, focus on what we have, and foster both personal and professional growth.

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Read Mike Rubin Read Mike Rubin

Double Down on Your Strengths

In today's specialized world, true success comes from focusing on your strengths. This article explores how dedicating your time to what you excel at, rather than spreading yourself thin, can lead to unparalleled achievements and fulfillment. Learn from the best and apply these principles to your own journey.

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Read Mike Rubin Read Mike Rubin

Ego Sum Qui Sum

Ask yourself this: Who am I? Explore how transcending the ego can enhance your sense of self and improve relationships. Learn practical ways to disengage from ego-driven reactions and focus on what truly matters in life, fostering authentic connections and personal growth.

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Read Mike Rubin Read Mike Rubin

Celebrate What You Don’t Do

Celebrating what we don't do can be as empowering as applauding our achievements. This article delves into the value of the choices we forgo and the impact of these decisions on leading a balanced and meaningful life.

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Read Mike Rubin Read Mike Rubin

See One, Do One, Teach One

Teaching has played an integral role for me in both personal and professional growth. From surgical training to venture capital, this article explores how imparting knowledge shapes successful leaders and drives innovation. Learn why teaching is an essential skill for every professional.

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Read Lauren Popish Read Lauren Popish

Streaks, Hot and Cold

Learn why celebrating small wins is crucial for sustained success. Explore strategies for recognizing and leveraging these victories to maintain motivation and progress in your personal and professional life.

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Read Kennedy Roberts Read Kennedy Roberts

In Defense of Amateurism

Starting new activities as a beginner not only fosters personal growth, but also enhances creativity and lifelong learning. Learn about the unexpected value of going back to basics and getting comfortable being a beginner.

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Read Kennedy Roberts Read Kennedy Roberts

It’s The Delivery That Matters

How you choose to deliver a message has a profound impact on achieving success. Discover how timing, rapport, and approach can significantly influence the outcomes of your interactions in both personal and professional settings.

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Read Kennedy Roberts Read Kennedy Roberts

Esse Quam Videri

The Latin philosophy of 'Esse Quam Videri'—to be, rather than to seem—is deeply relevant in today's world where social media often prioritizes appearance over authenticity. Learn how embracing this principle can lead to genuine personal and professional growth.

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Read Kennedy Roberts Read Kennedy Roberts

Hacking Life

Uncover why the best outcomes in life often require more than just clever shortcuts. Learn about the value of mastery and deep commitment over quick fixes in personal and professional development.

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Read Kennedy Roberts Read Kennedy Roberts

The Wellspring of Leadership

Uncover the traits of unconventional leaders who excel without formal authority. This exploration highlights the power of vision and passion in overcoming challenges and driving entrepreneurial success.

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