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Stage Skills Are Life Skills

Junior high drama class was my last choice, yet it became the foundation of my confidence and communication skills. By embracing the stage, I learned to navigate different roles and environments, finding my voice and poise. These lessons from drama have shaped my personal and professional life, proving that stage skills are indeed life skills.

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Say My Name

Let's dive into another trust-building technique: using names. Inspired by Dale Carnegie’s timeless wisdom, discover how calling people by their name can make them feel valued and enhance your social interactions. Backed by research and expert insights, this simple practice can transform your personal and professional relationships.

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Ever thought about the power of a simple smile? Explore how smiling can boost your mood, improve your relationships, and enhance your professional interactions. Learn the science behind this universal gesture and start smiling your way to a better life.

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Double Down on Your Strengths

In today's specialized world, true success comes from focusing on your strengths. This article explores how dedicating your time to what you excel at, rather than spreading yourself thin, can lead to unparalleled achievements and fulfillment. Learn from the best and apply these principles to your own journey.

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Want It? Give It

I love a great paradox, especially the idea of giving what you want to get. Whether in negotiations or everyday life, this counterintuitive approach of offering love, kindness, and respect first can lead to surprising and powerful outcomes.

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See One, Do One, Teach One

Teaching has played an integral role for me in both personal and professional growth. From surgical training to venture capital, this article explores how imparting knowledge shapes successful leaders and drives innovation. Learn why teaching is an essential skill for every professional.

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Venture Capital and Advancements in Biotechnology

I sat down with Joel Beasley, host of the “Modern CTO” to shed light on how Northpond Ventures is catalyzing significant advancements in biotechnology. I share stories behind the revolutionary investments that are reshaping healthcare and humanity.

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The Apprenticeship Mindset

Mentorship and active participation can elevate your career development and personal growth to the next level. Learn about how to apply the apprenticeship mindset in professional settings to achieve new levels of success.

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Carte Blanche

Try this exercise of granting yourself “carte blanche” to rethink past decisions and future possibilities that can enhance your life’s trajectory. Discover the power of imaginative thinking in shaping your personal and professional paths.

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Choose Happiness—Pursue Fulfillment

Have you ever thought about the nuanced differences between pursuing happiness and choosing fulfillment? Learn how embracing gratitude and setting realistic goals can enhance your overall contentment and life satisfaction.

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Declare Victory

Rethink what it means to succeed by confidently declaring victory in your endeavors, shaping a fulfilling life that values personal achievements over external validations.

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In Defense of Amateurism

Starting new activities as a beginner not only fosters personal growth, but also enhances creativity and lifelong learning. Learn about the unexpected value of going back to basics and getting comfortable being a beginner.

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It’s The Delivery That Matters

How you choose to deliver a message has a profound impact on achieving success. Discover how timing, rapport, and approach can significantly influence the outcomes of your interactions in both personal and professional settings.

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Focus on the Intermediate Term

Learn how intermediate goals act as stepping stones between day-to-day tasks and your grandest dreams, helping to maintain motivation and drive meaningful progress.

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The Wellspring of Leadership

Uncover the traits of unconventional leaders who excel without formal authority. This exploration highlights the power of vision and passion in overcoming challenges and driving entrepreneurial success.

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Life as a Game

Explore the benefits of viewing life's challenges as games. This perspective can transform how you approach work, relationships, and personal growth, turning everyday tasks into opportunities for creativity and enjoyment.

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Be a Non-VC, VC

Learn about the crucial role of early supporters in an entrepreneur's journey, as exemplified by early client of mine, Faisal, who supported my first venture business and invested in my potential.

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